SERV-0 is an interactive robotic dog that utilizes servo motors and an IR remote. The purpose of this project is to bring joy to those who may be missing their pets, or just to those that need a low maintenance companion. SERV-0 helped to further develop my 3D modeling skills, as well as bring jo
y to multiple people around me with his novelty. 

SERV-0 interacts with the IR remote through buttons 1 and 2. Pressing button 1 will allow him to turn his head, and button 2 will allow him to wag his tail. He also has a magnetic bone attachment that you can place into his mouth. 

Personally, when I am away at college, I find myself missing my pets, which is where SERV-0 comes in handy. He is low maintenance, doesn't require any king of ESA letter to stay on campus, and best of all, he is hypoallergenic!
Here is the fusion 360 model of his head. This took me roughly 3 hours to do.
Here is his body. this model also took about 3 hours.
This is his "skeleton" of sorts, his servo motors being initially interacted with using the IR remote.

